Hello guys!! I have a little problem!! I rendered a PRT volumes without problems, but i can’t do this with particles. I recieve this message:
Any ideas??? All folders are read only, but with volume objects there aren’t any problems!!
Hello guys!! I have a little problem!! I rendered a PRT volumes without problems, but i can’t do this with particles. I recieve this message:
Any ideas??? All folders are read only, but with volume objects there aren’t any problems!!
A necessary condition (which we should start checking for and catching if not right) for exporting the scene is that is is SAVED to disk.
The script queries the scene folder where the MB file resides using
string $projectPath = `file -q -sceneName`;
and then uses the path part of the filename to create the Maya2KSR folder.
In your case, it looks like the scene was not saved yet, so the output is missing the base folder part and is incomplete, hence the error message the file cannot be written. The location is simply not fully qualified.
I will add a check for incorrect base path and pop up a message or something in this case in future versions…
Sorry about that!
ok!! Thanks a lot!! But as this problem was solved, the other is appeared:
Next message: Error: No valid objects supplied to ‘xform’ command!!
Hmm. I never really tested nParticles export, so it is very possible I am mishandling them.
Could you please provide a simple Maya scene (preferably readable by Maya 2011) that I could use to debug the issue?
I could, but there is not necessary, because it is a simple scene, i’ve just created particles and without any modifications i sent to krakatoa and here is it!! And with classic particles the same problem!!
particles.rar (6.88 KB)
Thanks, I found the bug and (hopefully) fixed it.
Please download today’s update to the MEL script and try again.
Ok Bobo!! Thanks!! Now it’s work
Bobo, can i emitting 10000 particles for exsample and render 10000000 particles with this script??
Ok! There is one more problem: I have 500 particles, by default they are rendering about 1 sec of time, but if i’m scaling them the time is scalling too, 500 particles 40 sec, but the number of particles is the same!!!
This is on the ToDo list. When we are done, you will be able to do that. Right now, you have to actually crank up the particle count.
I am not sure what you mean.
Can you list the steps of what exactly you were scaling, what you wanted to get and what you got instead?
Assume I know nothing of Maya (which isn’t far from the truth )
For example:
*I selected the Particle object
*I scaled X, then did Y
*I rendered in Krakatoa SR
*I expected A, but got B
or something along those lines so I can follow.
If it helps, I can read Russian, too.
ok! The problems as with ship at other topic:
voxels are too big and when i scale object (ship) scale XYZ, voxels are normilizing , but render time become from 1 sec to 40 sec, but count of particles is the same, scale somehow influence to rendertime
I cannot reproduce this, so I must be doing something differently.
Here are my steps:
*I loaded a scene containing a Buddha statue (same as in our videos).
*I changed the Voxel Spacing in PRT Volume from 1.0 to 10.0
*Rendered and got 2,586 particles.
*Now I selected the PRT Volume (Buddha) object and scaled it in Transform Attributes to 10.0 10.0 10.0
*Rendered with all other settings identical and got 2,830,024 particles.
As expected, the scaling of the PRT Volume inside of Maya causes a larger OBJ to be exported, and produces about 1000 times more particles (difference due to precision and Jitter)
If you change the scaling of the PRT Volume source by editing the PY file though, the OBJ file will remain the same size and will be filled by the SAME number of particles in object space, then the result will be scaled up in World space and cause the Voxel renderer to run through a larger number of voxels (mostly empty).
If that’s what you did, don’t!
Ok! I understood!! Thank a lot!
Just to be clear, you were not really doing anything wrong or stupid.
Last week, we added a “PRT Volume World Space” option to Krakatoa MX (in 3ds Max) where the mesh is scaled / rotated / translated first, then the level set voxels are build in world space.
I guess what you were trying to do could be added to Krakatoa SR in the same style - the scale of the PRT Volume would be applied to the OBJ mesh BEFORE the particles are created.
It would be an option (something like “UseWorldSpace”) and editing the scale in the PY would produce more particles as you expected…