Maya proxy script?

I am comparing log files of a render that renders correctly on my workstation but crases on my render nodes. There is a line I don’t really understand. The workstation output this line:Running Maya Proxy Script version 1.0.865 but the rendernode doesn’t.

Any idea why?


0: STDOUT: Starting “C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya7.0\bin\mayabatch.exe”

0: STDOUT: Running Maya Proxy Script version 1.0.865

0: STDOUT: Maya submitter for Deadline 2.0.18035 loading

0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 7.0

render node

0: STDOUT: Starting “C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya7.0\bin\mayabatch.exe”

0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 7.0

What is the Maya Proxy Script version 1.0.865 anyway?

That is just output from the Maya submission script, which is printed when the script is loaded at startup. The reason you don’t see it on the rendernodes is because the Maya submission script hasn’t been installed on them. As you can tell from the version number it prints out, it hasn’t been updated in a while. :slight_smile:


Ryan Russell

Frantic Films Software



About the submission version number, I think it might be good thing to have the submission script version to be the same version as the Deadline Version.

It gets confusing to see version 1.3 something in the Submit to Deadline mel window. I changed the version in the mel script to match the version of Deadline.

That way I am sure that the machine is running the right script.