AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Maya Referencing not working on OSX slaves

Tested several different scenarios, and came to the conclusion that there is only a bug with Deadline 7 slaves on Mac OSX (mavericks tested), where slave hangs at 0% rendered for any Maya scene that has references in it.

Both Windows (7 Pro) and Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) work fine with Maya references. This only happens over Mac OSX slaves.

Using Maya 2015 Extension 1. Not sure if this is a problem with earlier versions.

We’re going to handle this the same way we’re handling this issue:

We’ll need you to confirm if this happens when “Use MayaBatch” is disabled. If it does, we’ll need you to test the same command line Render that Deadline is doing from a Terminal outside of Deadline to confirm whether or not this a Deadline-specific issue.

Since the task never completes, we can’t rely on a task report here. Instead, you can just grab the log from the slave machine when it gets stuck like this. From the Slave UI on the machine, select Help -> Explore Log Folder, and then grab the most recent slave log.


Cool. Last thing for us to test is if this happens when “Use MayaBatch” is disabled. We are having problems getting the Deadline 7 slaves to work with OSX.

Keep on getting this error: 2014-11-06 09:53:50: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)

That error message is more of a warning, and shouldn’t prevent the render from working. Just get us that slave log when the slave is stuck like this and we’ll have a look!


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