We’ve been having some issues with render layer names and deadline submission. When we’re submitting a job from Maya as a MayaBatch or VrayExport job it is adding “masterlayer” into the folder names.
For the MayaBatch this is added to the output directory, for the MayaBatch job this is very annoying as the “masterlayer” folder doesn’t exist so in the Monitor you can’t navigate to the files. Although this doesn’t actually seem to affect the tasks and they output to the images folder rather than this non-existent subfolder. You can see an example below:
from the Plugin Info Parameters:
from the Job Info Parameters:
With the Vray Export jobs this completely breaks the dependent job as it adds “_masterlayer” to the input filename on the vray render job but not the output so there’s no correlation between the two jobs and the second job fails.
Export Jobs export filename:
Vray Job’s input filename variable:
Maybe we’re doing something wrong with the render layers but this is very frustrating behaviour. Any thoughts on what we can do to resolve this or if this a bug?