maya render prefix tokens not being evaluated properly

maya 2015 and vray
all scenes are submitted with the render prefix string of %s/%l/%s_%l where %s get’s replaced with scene name, %l gets replaced with render layer name.

My output on our local windows farm is great, but on the linux cloud farm, I’m getting ‘untitled’ for %s. %l is evaluating correctly.

So sample output would be:

2015-07-22 18:04:47: 0: STDOUT: [2015/Jul/22|18:04:47] V-Ray: Successfully written image file “//disks/nas0/CGI/77A129_eng_test_ctj/shot/CLOUD/CLD_010/work.chrisj/maya/images/untitled/masterLayer/untitled_masterLayer.0008.exr”

Hi, Thanks for the report. This definitely seems like a bug. I am looking in to it, and can hopefully provide a fix to you.

So, just to clarify, you submitting a Maya scene file from a Windows machine, with a “%s” string in Maya’s “File name prefix”, then that job is being picked up on a slave machine running Linux, and it substitutes “untitled” instead of the scene name. Is that correct?

So, I tested the above setup, and I wasn’t able to get it to reproduce what you are seeing. When I submit to a Linux slave computer, it is correctly substituting in the scene name for %s.

Can you provide more information for this? Specifically, the slave log that picks up the job.

I’m playing catchup today, but I’ll kick off a test tomorrow and let you know.

Are you testing We’re on

Yes, I am testing with the same version.

One thing you could try, that would help me with the debugging, is to submit your job as a “Maya command” instead of “Maya batch” (there’s a checkbox in the submitter). Does the problem still occur when using Maya command?

I haven’t check that. I’ll test later today and let you know.

Thank you,
