Maya submission script question


While beta testing I’ve found updating the maya submission script (which also seems to change name once in a while) a bit painful across client machines. Having to drop the file into the maya/prefs/scripts and then update the userSetup.mel to reflect a name change on each machine can be time consuming.

What I’ve done is move the DeadlineMayaClient.mel script to our server and then added it to a custom menu we’ve got that runs off our server here. That way, all I need to to is drop a new submission script onto our server and all machines update.

It all works fine in terms of submission but what I’m wondering is, will there be any issues with that in terms of auto updates from the repository?


There shouldn’t be any issues with repository updates. The DeadlineMayaClient.mel file is just a proxy script that calls the main submission script which sits in the repository.


  • Ryan

Great, thanks.