maya submissions and deadline

Hello, When I submit Maya jobs to deadline I would like to be able to double click on the frame sequence files that have rendered and then have it flip the completed frames in a flip book viewer. For some reason all the Maya jobs that I send to deadline have the file name truncated so when I double click the frame in the frame sequence window it can’t find the file because it only reads the extension of the file for some reason. The renders themselves are fine and properly named but deadline seems to think otherwise.

Does anyone else have this problem or has this already been addressed and handled? Thanks.

I am on Deadline 5.2 running Maya 2013 on windows 7 64 bit.

This is a new one to us! :slight_smile:

Can you send us a very simple test scene (no external assets) that reproduces this problem? Also, if you could send us screen shots of your submission options, that would be helpful too. We can use this to try and reproduce the problem here, and hopefully figure out what’s going on.


  • Ryan


I have attached a screen capture that shows you the error and what deadline sees and what rendered. This will hopefully give you a better idea as to what is happening. If you still need a maya file from me I can send it but this is the case for every maya scene that I submit to the farm. Thanks.


Hey Christian,

I’ll still need a test scene, and screen shots of the submitter options if possible. The submitter is responsible for telling Deadline where the output is going. There is probably an edge case that we’re overlooking here, since I currently can’t reproduce this on our end.


  • Ryan

ok, as promised. attached is an example scene that I did and two captures of the submission and the deadline monitor. hope this helps. let me know if you need anything else.

For_ThinkBox.7z (1.12 MB)

Thanks! Can you check which version of 5.2 you are using? It looks like we addressed this issue in 5.2.49424, which was released in December. If you’re still using 5.2.47700, that could explain why you’re seeing this problem.


  • Ryan

Funny you should mention that, but I downloaded and installed that yesterday and then did that test that I sent you. The test was done with Is there a way I can verify it’s using the correct submission script? Maybe it’s still using an old one?

Did you also upgrade the Repository to, or did you just update the Clients?

The melscript you installed on your workstation is just a proxy script which calls the main submitter in the repository. So if you didn’t upgrade the repository to, that could explain why it’s still not working. Hopefully that’s all it is. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

so I upgraded the repository and it looks like a new problem has arisen. I have attached a screen capture for you to see what happens now. Tks.

I can reproduce this here, but it seems like this might be tricky to deal with. We’ve already fixed the adding of the additional “.” to the file name internally, but there is another problem where if a scene has multiple passes or renderable cameras, VRay will automatically stick them in corresponding subfolders.

If you look in the VRay Common tab, you’ll see “Path:” and “File Name:” labels that show the output path and the image file name. This is what we use to figure out where the output is going. However, when VRay adds in the additional subfolders at render time, Deadline is completely unaware of them. I spent some time looking through the VRay scripts, but I didn’t find a clear method of determining all the output file paths at submission time. :frowning: