Maya Submitter Installer Doesn't Run (OS X)

Hello! I’ve used Deadline for several years but I’m migrating to a new workstation and I’m having some issues installing the submitter. The Repository is on our network and nothing has changed with that. I have already installed the client on this workstation and I can open the Monitor and see my render nodes and jobs with no issues. However,
when I try to run the submitter out of the Repository over the network, literally nothing happens. There is no error, just absolutely nothing happens.

I’ve also tried copying the installer to the local machine and running it and nothing happens that way either. I’m not sure if it has to be run out of the location containing all the other files anyway. I can open the package and view the contents, and I have also tried the manual installation with no luck, but it’s possible I messed something up there.

I’m running Maya 2017 on OS X 10.15.7 (Catalina).


Try running the installer from the terminal and see if it reports any errors there.

It’s a .app file rather than a .pkg, is there a way to install .apps from terminal? I’m not familiar with one and not having any luck finding info.

I’ve run into a similar issue with an After Effects program and the vendor told me the version I was trying to install wasn’t supported by Catalina or Big Sur because Apple dropped support for 32 bit programs, so I had to upgrade to the latest version.

Could that be the same issue here? I believe I’m using the latest version of Thinkbox though, so surely it isn’t intended for the submitter installer to be unusable by anyone on the newer versions of OS X?

Ok, I had time to work on this more this morning and it appears the installer just flat out doesn’t work with Catalina and Big Sur. I was able to get the manual installation working this time, so I’m up and running, but it might be something Thinkbox should look at.