Maya submitter on linux problem

I’m getting this error when I try to start submitter:

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9461: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya/lib/python3.9/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

It is installed with bundled files for current user. Sometimes it does get submitter running after reboot or something randomly but son after it stops woring again. Any ideas?


Thanks for reaching out. When this issue happens run below command from the terminal:

$DEADLINE_PATH/deadlinecommand -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

The output of this ^ command is parsed into python script but for some reason it is missing a value. Share the result you are get.

Thank you for getting backto me so fast.
Here is output that I get:


Sometimes if I delete cache at home folder and run fresh maya it does show submitter window. But still cannot submit anything and if I close and try to run submitter again it fails with same error.


I looked at the output it does not seem like it is any different from what I am getting. I need some more data from you:

  1. Delete the cache again, reproduce the issue and attach the script “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/SubmitMayaToDeadline” you have in the cache.
  2. Hav eyou got anything in the custom folder here: [repo]/custom/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel? If yes please share it
  3. To troubleshoot further, I have put the print statement inside of SubmitMayatoDeadline.mel. I am attaching the debug script here please follow below:
  • Backup and replace what you have got in the cache “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel” with the one attached. Note: the cache path may be different because the name of the temporary folder changes every time cache is rebuilt (72.4 KB)
  • Now re run the submission and shar mel script listener output

Hi, I’m experiencing the same issue on a CentOS 7.9.2009 build with Maya 2023 and Deadline


Grabbing submitter info...
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main
# Error: file: //mnt/DEADLINE/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9461: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya/lib/python3.9/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Output of the Deadline json command:

[maxm@bb-vfx08 ~]$ $DEADLINE_PATH/deadlinecommand -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

I’ve tested removing the cache folder but there wasn’t anything inside anyway. I don’t have anything in the custom repo folder. Running with the debug SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel that you uploaded produces no extra output, just the same error.

My original SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel is attached: (74.7 KB)

Thank you


Thanks for sharing an update here, its seems to be something failing on Maya python json. I tried running the code outside Maya and it worked fine. Also inside Maya 2023 locally on my machine the code runs well. I ran the below script in the mel script listener:

string $callDeadlineCommand = "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinecommand.exe";
string $subInfoString = CallDeadlineCommand( "-JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main", false );
python( "import json; deadlineSubmissionInfo=json.loads('" + encodeString($subInfoString) + "')['result']" );

I am hoping it something to do with Python shipped with Maya, or you have a cache of the older file under usr/autodesk/ python3.9/json".

hmmm seems like I don’t have usr/autodesk/ python3.9/ folder at all… there is pymel2023…

This Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) error means the JSON decoder was given nothing to decode.

The debug SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel should have added a line starting with:

Printing Deadlinecommand:

That’ll print what we’re giving to the JSON decoder. You may need to close and re-open Maya after replacing the file to force a fresh pull of the file.

Funny thing is that if I keep clicking to submit it will get submitter started eventually, sometimes it starts right away, sometimes takes 5–10 clicks but eventually it does start submitter window. Then same process to submit it self… clicking submit scene till it picks up and submit.

Submit Job gives this error:
// Error:
// Error: Line 0.10: “” is a directory and cannot be sourced.

But again after clicking couple times it does get submitted. It does end up with another error message again but jbob is subbmited and rednering ocorectly so ne subbmited it ends up with this error:

#Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2761: ParseSubmissionOutputError: file /home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Integration/Main/deadline_submission/ line 146: ParseSubmissionOutputError: Unexpected EOF [NO LINE]
// Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2763: Deadline: Failed to parse job ID.

Interesting, all these errors look like the result of an empty response from another function call.

“” is a directory and cannot be sourced. meaning the string passed that should be a directory is an empty string. I’m not shere wherein the file that’s getting thrown.

ParseSubmissionOutputError: Unexpected EOF [NO LINE] meaning the file it’s expecting to find doesn’t exist. The file its attempting to parse is created after the job has been submitted, which is why the next error is about trying to parse the newly created job’s ID.

Could I get the whole log you’re seeing these errors in?

And how does the Monitor behave on this machine? If you try to submit a job from the Monitor submitter, do you need to hit submit multiple times there as well?

Monitor works perfectly fine, no problems at all. Also submitting from Houdini works perfectly fine as well.
I’ve upgraded to maya 2024 to try there and still getting same thing:

running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9461: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya2024/lib/python3.10/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Not sure if there is more for a log, but here is whole process to get scene submitted:

  • Hitting submit to deadleine coupl etimes before it picks it up and shows submitter

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9461: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya2024/lib/python3.10/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9461: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya2024/lib/python3.10/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9461: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya2024/lib/python3.10/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main
Importing deadline_submission…
Importing deadline_maya…
running deadline command: -ExecuteScript “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Integration/Main/” Maya --status --scene-path “/media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/shots/EP_001/”

And then hitting Submit Job till it actualy submits:
Submitting job to Deadline…
Maya scene has been modified, saving file
running deadline command: -ParseFrameList “4908-5129” False
running deadline command: -GetRepositoryFilepath plugins/MayaBatch/AssetTools.mel
Searching for assets…
// Error:
// Error: Line 0.10: “” is a directory and cannot be sourced.
Submitting job to Deadline…
Maya scene has been modified, saving file
running deadline command: -ParseFrameList “4908-5129” False

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2309: ValueError: file line 1: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘’

Submitting job to Deadline…
Maya scene has been modified, saving file
running deadline command: -ParseFrameList “4908-5129” False
running deadline command: -GetRepositoryFilepath plugins/MayaBatch/AssetTools.mel
Searching for assets…
Found Asset: _Ptica_Plava_Rig:Ptica_plava_defaultMat1F.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/Ptica_plava.bmp
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_Rig:ptica_crvena_body04_defaultMat1F.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/ptica_crvena_body04.bmp
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_Rig:ptica_crvena_head04_defaultMat1F.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/ptica_crvena_head04.bmp
Found Asset: EP001.filename - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/shots/EP_001/_input/EP001.wav
Found Asset: imagePlaneShape1.imageName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/shots/EP_001/_input/imageplane/imageplane.####.jpg
Found Asset: EP_EnvLightRN - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/
Found Asset: _Ptica_Plava_RigRN - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/011_Ptica_Plava/011_Ptica_Plava_Rig.mb
Found Asset: _Ptica_Plava_Rig:file1.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/011_Ptica_Plava/Ptica_plava_low_bird_body_Color.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Plava_Rig:file2.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/011_Ptica_Plava/Ptica_plava_low_bird_body_Roughness.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Plava_Rig:file3.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/011_Ptica_Plava/Ptica_plava_low_bird_body_Roughness.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Plava_Rig:rsNormalMap1.tex0 - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/011_Ptica_Plava/Ptica_plava_low_bird_body_Normal.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_RigRN - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/012_Ptica_Crvena/012_Ptica_Crvena_Rig.mb
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_Rig:file2.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/012_Ptica_Crvena/ptica_crvena_low_eyes_Color.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_Rig:file3.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/012_Ptica_Crvena/ptica_crvena_low_body_Color.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_Rig:file4.fileTextureName - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/012_Ptica_Crvena/ptica_crvena_low_body_Roughness.exr
Found Asset: _Ptica_Crvena_Rig:rsNormalMap1.tex0 - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/Scena_nebeska_tijela/012_Ptica_Crvena/ptica_crvena_low_body_Normal.exr
Found Asset: EP_EnvLight:ENVLightShape.tex0 - /media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/assets/HDRI/green_sanctuary_8k.hdr
running deadline command: -ExecuteScript “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Integration/Main/” Maya --write --scene-path “/media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/shots/EP_001/” --job-path “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/temp/maya_deadline_info_745c998cd4.job” --batch-name “EP001_sh004_f4908-f5129.0005”
running deadline command: “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/temp/maya_submission_745c998cd4.txt”

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2761: ParseSubmissionOutputError: file /home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Integration/Main/deadline_submission/ line 146: ParseSubmissionOutputError: Unexpected EOF [NO LINE]

// Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2763: Deadline: Failed to parse job ID.

Hope this helps.
I do have maya preferences folder on NAS for all machiens to load same. I did try switching back to local home location for maya prefrences folder and deleting evreything creting from scratch… same thing…
Repository is installed on separate machine with centos7

Back on this one. Still have this issue.
Could be something with specific Linux distro? I’m using Nobara, which is basically Fedora 38 just with couple tweaks.
Still all same simptomps…
Any idea how and where to look next?
In the mean time maybe I will put vanila fedora on one comp and try it then…But I don;t see a reason for this not to work.

In the mean time here is again first error thrown when I try to start subbmitter inmaya, it failed first time then on second click it laoded. Sometime it takes coupl etries bu teventualy it does show up. Maybe there is something that can pinpoint the problem?

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main

Error: file: //home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 9462: JSONDecodeError: file /usr/autodesk/maya/lib/python3.9/json/ line 355: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Grabbing submitter info…
running deadline command: -JSON -GetSubmissionInfo Pools Groups MaxPriority TaskLimit UserHomeDir RepoDir:submission/Maya/Main RepoDir:submission/Integration/Main RepoDir:submission/TileRendering/Main
Importing deadline_submission…
Importing deadline_maya…
running deadline command: -ExecuteScript “/home/cgoven/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/uD4SaEbsKXWFvbTyR6fQfcxfWg/submission/Integration/Main/” Maya --status --scene-path “/media/Storage/AQ/Cik_Pogodi/scenes/test.mb”


Can you try running the attached SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script? First create a backup of [Repo]/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel then put the script in its place. Now Open Maya> Mel Script Editor> File> open Script (72.5 KB)

Put SubmitJobToDeadline(); at the end on a new line then run from the image button at the top

This seems to do the trick!
Tried couple times on misc. scenes, and worked every single time now. Thanks!

1 Like

Very welcome!! if the attached script is working you will just need to install it so that you do not need to run it from the mel script editor all the time. After you will install you can run it from the shelf icon.

Please follow here: Maya — Deadline documentation