There are no options in the V-Ray Maya Export job to change the settings on the V-Ray Standalone job. Specifically I can’t set the “VRayEngine” Plugin entry to set it to V-Ray RT(CUDA) so it’s not using the GPU when rendering.
I’ve managed to hack it in by changing line 96 in the file but that’s certainly not an ideal option.
To be honest, I think we need to give some planning to how we might be able to re-use submitters between common code. For example, could we just use the Monitor submitter to drive creating a template that would then be fed into the integrated submitter? The only handoff here is the output location of the vrscene.
I’m going to open two tickets. One for the quick fix, one for figuring out how we might solve this altogether. Maintaining V-Ray standalone submitter across something like five apps and the Monitor is a lot of overhead.