Maya-vray render taking too long for random frames on deadline

While doing batch render for huge size maya files (10 GB) it is taking 2-3 hrs render time per frame. But there are some random frames which takes too much time to render (~20 hrs per frame)

What could be the reason?

In our case it was mostly gimble lock or weird joint/animation that cause motion blur to go all crazy on those particular frame. On a lesser occation, blown-up light values that goes super high giving sampler problem.

I’ll bet that @Panupat is on the right track here. Maybe check out those slow frames to see if they’re extra complicated.

Deadline shouldn’t be a part of the slowdown, but if you can’t find any pattern in which frames are slow we’d be happy to take a look at a job report for you. Keep in mind that anything posted here is public, so if you’d like to protect any secrets feel free to open a ticket with us at