maya & vray submitter in 7.2 beta 3


we are testing deadline 7.2 and i’ve got the latest builds installed. we are trying to get vray rendering up and running.

i’ve installed the MayaVRayDBR & Maya submitters onto a system running maya 2015. i get the thinkbox shelf, however there are no buttons on the shelf.

i’ve googled some and found suggestions to remove the shelf and relaunch maya in this case, and have done so, however the shelf remains empty.

i’ve found the following error in the maya console which appears relevant:

Running submission script “//blacksmith01/blacksmithSS/deadline/submission/MayaVRayDBR/Main/”

Error: line 0: TypeError: file //blacksmith01/blacksmithSS/deadline/submission/MayaVRayDBR/Main\ line 73: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable # file -f -new;

in my C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\scripts\startup directory i’ve got both DeadlineMayaVrayDBRClient and DeadlineMayaClient.

in my user scripts directory (C:\Users\x9-2uTw\Documents\maya\scripts) i’ve got a single script: userSetup.mel, the contents of which are:

source “DeadlineMayaVRayDBRClient.mel”;
source "DeadlineMayaClient.mel”;

so, to me, everything looks set up according to the documentation, i am not noticing any typos or path mismatches, etc. i’m fairly new to using/managing deadline, so it’s not impossible i’m missing something obvious.

please advise, thanks.


Can you try reversing the order of the source statements in userSetup.mel to see if that makes a difference? For example:

source "DeadlineMayaClient.mel";
source "DeadlineMayaVRayDBRClient.mel";


that did the trick. i now have 2 buttons in my shelf. thank you!


Great! We’ll still log an issue for this, since the order shouldn’t matter, but glad to hear it’s working for you now.
