What’s New?
- [size=150]Breaking change: This build breaks backward compatibility with prior versions of the XMesh Loader for Maya.[/size]
- A GUI for the Loader and Saver.
- The Saver can now save Velocity. This is enabled by default.
- Added playback timing controls to the Loader.
- The Loader can now read subframe files.
- An installer.
XMeshForMaya-0.3-windows-installer.zip (removed)
For Maya 2011, 2012, and 2013 on Windows 64-bit.
(5.74 MiB) Downloaded 3 times
XMeshForMaya-0.3-linux-x64-installer.run.gz (removed)
For Maya 2011, 2012, and 2013 on Linux 64-bit.
(6.6 MiB) Not downloaded yet[/size]