Warning: This build breaks backward compatibility with XMesh Loader for Maya 0.2.1 and earlier.
Please uninstall your old version of XMesh for Maya before installing this new build. On Windows, you can uninstall using the Control Panel. On Linux, you can uninstall by running “/opt/Thinkbox/Xmesh for Maya/uninstall”.
What’s New?
- Material assignment is now based on material name instead of shading group name.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Y- and Z–axis components of the saved Velocity.
- Fixed material assignment script to remove invalid characters.
XMeshForMaya-0.3.2-linux-x64-installer.run.gz (removed)
(6.6 MiB) Downloaded 5 times
XMeshForMaya-0.3.2-windows-installer.zip (removed)
(5.74 MiB) Downloaded 28 times[/size]