Please report any problems you encounter in the XMesh Bug Reports forum.
Post your suggestions and other feedback in the XMesh Beta Discussion forum.
The supplied DLL is currently only for Maya 2011 64Bit on Windows. Other versions will be created at a later date.
The plugin consists of 1 main dependency graph node, and 2 auxiliary nodes. You will need to know how to script Maya to use the plugin as-is.
Dependency Graph Node sequenceXMesh:
[in]seqPath (string) - A path to the xmesh sequence.
[in]inTime (time) - The time used to decide which frame of the sequence to load. Generally will be connected to 'time1' but
can effectively make a playback graph if a expression is placed here.
[out]outMesh (mesh) - The polymesh for the frame closest to inTime.
Connect the outMesh attribute of the sequenceXMesh to the inMesh attribute of a mesh node for the mesh to become visible in the scene.
What’s New?
Added a groupIds[] attribute, which is used to assign faces to object groups based on their MaterialID. For example, groupIds[0] controls the groupId assigned to faces with MaterialID 0. Note that MaterialID 0 here corresponds to MaterialID 1 in 3ds Max.
Here is an example of its use. The xmesh file is a cube with MaterialIDs 0 through 5. In this example, we connect each of the MaterialIDs to an object group: