MayaBatch Arnold Stand-in Bug - Missing aiStandin in output


Just dropping a bug report here.

The MayaBatch Plugin currently only copies the aiStandIn / .ass files specific to that Task’s Frame(s) on Deadline. For example, if you were rendering Frame 1001 (ChunkSize 1), it would copy only test_file.1001.ass locally and update the filepath in the Maya session to use the local machine path.

If you use a Frame Offset on your aiStandIn in Maya, the job would then be looking for another frame (ex: test_file.1050.ass with a 50 frame Offset) which wouldn’t be available locally. The error says [ass] can't read in [non-existent file path to offset frame on blade]

Basically, the plugin breaks if you use Frame Offsets on aiStandIn(s).


For now, I had to comment out the line that updates the aiStandin filepath so it always uses network path and it’s resolved the issue. ~ line 126

Repository Version:
Maya Version: 2019.3.1

Not sure if this is a known issue or some option exists to prevent editing the plugin. Would appreciate if someone can confirm this, thanks!

Possibly related issue (same error): Deadline cannot find Arnold STAND IN Sequence - #7 by Shovon_Ovro