Media Encoder Quirk on Mac

Hi there,

I am attempting to setup some media encoder rendering.

I can get a windows machine to render correctly via all the documentation et al.
I can get a mac machine to render correctly ONLY when I manually start the AME Web Service manually, the job will connect to the slave realize that there is an existing AME Web Service connect to that and render out the QT.
When I close the AME Web Service and let the slave start the service as per a normal job then I get a;
Error: error : [Errno 61] Connection refused (Python.Runtime.PythonException)

I will attach an example of a render log of the task running whilst the AME Web Service has been manually started (successful) and a render log of the task running whilst the AME Web Service is started via the slave (failed)

Any thoughts on what the issue might be?

Job_Successful.txt (2.9 KB)

Job_Failed.txt (5.27 KB)

Hmm. SP8 fixed some things, but you’re on SP11 already.

We feed the executable and arguments to AME differently in that plugin than we normally do, so it’s hard to see all of the options that are fed through… We could patch it for debug purposes. My current guess isn’t how we’re starting AME but how we’re getting the connection info somehow. According to the SP17 code, we’re just running the executable directly ourselves:

        self.LogInfo("Port Number is "+str(self.AME_Port))
        self.LogInfo("Host is "+str(self.AME_Host))
        self.AME_Process = subprocess.Popen( [self.AME_Executable] )

Which works out to one of these:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014\ame_webservice_console.exe
/Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014/Adobe Media Encoder CC
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015.3\ame_webservice_console.exe

Are you willing to have a call? I’m in central Canada and am usually around from 9am to 5pm. I’d want to dump some of the data that we build out.

Thanks for the reply Edwin.

I have tracked it down and now have it all working.

I managed to configure the plugin for the console instead of the webservice agent somehow, potentially when I was debugging, I think that would explain why it wasn’t able to connect properly although the webservice agent does just appear to be a symlink to the console but any case it is working now.

I had the this configured;
/Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017/Adobe Media Encoder CC

should of had this;
/Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017/Adobe Media Encoder CC

Wow. Good catch. They’re named close enough that I certainly didn’t know.

I’ll log this internally so I can hopefully catch it next time.