Memory Requirements


We are currently having some problems with machines that have different amounts of memory.

In peticular we have artists submitting from a 16 GB machine, and the job gets picked up on a 8 GB machine. Since the scene file is created to work with 16 GB, the 8 GB machine struggles and most of the time spends a huge amount of time on the job and in some cases never finishes.

What is the suggested workflow for managing this? Have a minimum memory requirement for a machine to render?

Typically, I would create some “groups” in Deadline and assign slaves to them, so that certain jobs only get picked up by those machines. I would normally name the groups as follows to help users understand the behaviour and instruct users to apply the most applicable group at submission time (render wranglers can apply a different group later if required):

“min_8gb_ram” - slave1, slave2, slave3, slave4
“min_16gb_ram” - slave2, slave3, slave4
“min_24gb_ram” - slave4

where the slave spec’s are as follows:

Slave1: 8GB ram installed
Slave2: 16GB ram installed
Slave3: 16GB ram installed
Slave4: 24GB ram installed

This setup assumes only 1 slave is running per machine.

Thanks Mike, We’ll look into this.

I’m kinda surprised that there aren’t a built-in memory requirement for jobs, since Deadline knows about the memory usage and limit of the slaves.