MentalRay Crash in Max

If some object contains some MentalRay parameter, even if Mental ray is not used the render will Crash. ( render plugin error )
This is fine but somewhat annoying can we ignore the mental ray issue with some code?

Backburner render manager will display a Warning but the render will not crash… I would like to get something like that too…

Thank you.

And What happens if You check


Ignore Missing DLL errors in SMTD\Render\3ds max Startup



Oh! that might actually do the trick yes.
But can I have that line of code in the file?
What would be sintaxis be?

I’ve used before the:

self.AddPopupIgnorer( “Scripting Listener” )
To avoid the popups but not sure about how to Ignore the DLL.

Actually Ignoring all DLL could hide some other problems… So would be better to have something specifically for MentalRay… as is quite often that some old file comes with a MentalRay parameter somewhere.

Thank you!