Mentalray support for Krak atmospheric?


So Krakatoa atmospheric can be rendered with all other renderer except mentalray (as said from documentation thread)
Is there a chance that it will support mentalray in future? Is it possible?


It is theoretically possible, but it would require a separate implementation as a mental ray shader, so it is unlikely to happen.
But we never say never.

Being a mentalray user myself, I will be really happy if there will be support for mentalray.

Mental what?! :astonished: :smiley:

Honestly, if it came down to this and say feature x, I think most krakatoa users would take feature x. Couple reasons I say this, first many have other render solutions and second since I know how much work went into the FumeFX implementation of MR, I would have much rather seen that time used in developing more useful features. That is just my opinion though, lol and I have a lot of those :smiley:

Like Bobo said though, you never know, they are always full of surprises :wink:

Yes, I know when it comes to mentalray it always require writing shaders to work with it.
But that could be a bonus + can attract other mental ray users like jeff patton to use Krakatoa.

But it’s not something that I really want, I am just thinking it as bonus. :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: