Doing a final particle compositing where I only read data from vrious PRTLoaders and light and render.
One of sources comes from Stoke and looks as follows. It causes an error when I try to render. The rest renders fine.
Did I miss something? Can I just ignore some channels on readout? And why is it causing issues?
Thanks in advance for a prompt help.
— Actually this should have been posted in Krak forum - apologies.
You need a new build of Krakatoa that isn’t posted yet. I’ll try and post it ASAP.
The problem is caused because previous versions of Krakatoa recorded PRT files that contained 3ds Max ticks as the units for Age and LifeSpan. Since this was really dumb, we switched everything to use units of seconds for Age and LifeSpan but older Krakatoa builds don’t know how to deal with files that have different units so it complains.
EDIT: You aren’t crazy. I moved this topic to the Stoke forum because its only relevant to Stoke users right now.
-> I tried overriding Age & LifeSpan in ALL my loaders, via Magma, but it does not help.
-> If I render only the stuff coming from stoke w/ Float32 Age & Lifespan it renders properly. The issue comes when I merge different clouds together. And I don’t need these channels at all.
Is there any workaround for making these PRTs render together?
-> I could get rid of them from the file, but it means processing about 1TB. Not a nice idea.
-> Can I disable saving these channels from Stoke? I am before the final sim, the issue popped out during the test.
-> What can I do in post while having such troublesome data already PRT-ed to files?
Please help.
Unfortunately the only workaround I can think of would be to save all particle sources to PRT files w/o the Age channel.
Or just resave one of the troublesome sets without that channel.
If I add Magma on top of the stack in Stoke that is saving to PRTs - will it be evaluated prior to saving or I need to go twice through the pipeline: once for caching the simulation and then by saving a sim to PRTs via Krakatoa render to file? If it’s not evaluated it’s a bummer.
Also, I understand I can’t render to file via Krakatoa unless I run the sim? Or if there’s no cache it would simulate frame by frame while rendering?
Modifiers happen after Stoke does its thing, so the results of pressing Simulate would not be affected by any modifier on the Stoke object.
Krakatoa only reads from a cached Stoke object, it cannot cause simulation in lockstep (at least at this time).
Is there any chance for a quick patch on Krakatoa to fix this particle age/lifespan issues?
Which Max version are you working in? I’ll post an updated DLL in this thread for you.