mesh from vertices?


I am working on a personal art project where I am trying to generate triangles using emitted particles as vertices. I there a way in frost to do this? I also have krakatoa if that helps achieve this goal

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Basically you have a particle cloud and you want to generate triangles BETWEEN the points?
This is by far not trivial. Most software for meshing point clouds is in the $5K to $10K rangeā€¦

Frost can create a mesh around the particles, and a continuous blobby surface if the particles are close enough, but not one vertex per particle and one triangle per three particles.

Particle Flow lets you start with a pre-defined mesh, emit one particle per vertex, and then make the vertices follow the particles.
You can do the same with Stoke+Genome, too. But in these cases you start with the mesh, and the particles are secondary, not the other way round.