Mesh light source?

Hi All,

I would like to use a cylinder light for a lightsource on my Krakatoa particles. Is it possible? I tried using some Magmascript to effect particle emission by object distance but the results just aren’t the same. Creative solutions are welcome!

Many thanks,

Hi lostpixels. Unfortunately due to the way that Krakatoa renders lighting, supporting any sort of area lights isn’t really possible. Your best bet would be to try and approximate it using a few of the types of lights that Krakatoa does support (spot, point/omni, direct/parallel). Using Emission to approximate it probably won’t work that well as it would most likely be difficult to take into account shadows, and it’s applied after the phase/shader function.

I’ll be trying those workarounds you’ve listed @Evan

Will there be support for mesh lighting in the future?