i tested a metafuze submission today and got the following error when selecting "“Submit Each File In Folder As A Separate Job”:
An exception occured in the evebt handler for SubmitButton
expected str, got Array[str] [Microsoft.Scripting.Argument Type Exception].
If i don´t select that button, everthing submits fine, deadline sets the status to “completed” after a while, even though i don´t get any output (MXF´s)!
Could you look into that? We are using MetaFuze 2.1.
I’ve attached a patch that should fix the MetaFuze submission problem. To install it, just unzip the attached file to \your\repository\scripts\Submission\MetaFuzeSubmission.
As for it not producing any output, here are some things to check:
Does MetaFuze log anything to the render log that indicates there is a problem? You can view the log by right-clicking on the job and selecting Job Reports -> View Log Reports. If you can post this log, that would be great!
Is the output path for the MXFs in the XML file a local or network path? If it’s local, that would explain why the MXFs are lost.
MetaFuze in general is quite annoying, you guys did a good job in offering the option to add multiple batch-files, but it´s still a major hassle to create them inside metafuze…
We will try to script a workaround and let you know how it goes. We also created a script that loads the render output (mainly from After Effects) straight into a batch file.