To be fair… these are all minor nice to have things. I am very thankful that token names in the file path worked because it greatly helps the organization of my production assets.
But here are the bugs… The would be nice to fix if you can, but I understand if there is no good way to identify and handle these tokens on your end.
BUG 1:
Using tokens in your render path on c4d works with Deadline, but you can’t right click on the path and use the “Explore Output” feature because it does not include the last slash. It would be nice if you could fix that.
So if you render too “\server\frames$prj$take$camera$pass$prj_$take_$camera_$pass” in c4d it correctly creates the folders and puts the respective passes in their proper folders.
In this case it was \server\frames\C4D_ClayTest_v003\Main\Cam02\rgba\C4D_ClayTest_v003_Main_Cam02_rgba.0000.png
The “Explore Output” path pointed to “\server\frames\C4D_ClayTest_v003$take\Cam02\object_1” which would of worked if it had added the slash on the end so that windows knows it is a directory and not a file and if it translated the $take token.
It looks like it tried to populate with the last pass that rendered (in my case that was the “Object Buffer 1” pass. It would be nice if it went for the first pass that is likely to be the RGB or RGBA pass instead.
BUG 2:
The “view” output option" also has similar issues. It looks like it tried to populate with the last pass that rendered (in my case that was the “Object Buffer 1” pass. Again It would be nice if it went for the first pass that was rendered instead. It also did not translate the $take token.
Deadline had…
It should of been…
BUG 3:
It also made an extra empty directory structure made of the token names that literaly was \server\frames$prj$take$camera$pass$prj\ that I can simply delete after rendering. It kind of notes what the passes were, so it might even be useful to some people. Just not sure if it was by accident or design.
This is on window using C4D R19 and Deadline