Missing "Batch Name" in CSV stats export

I am running some analyses on the stats exported from Deadline for completed jobs. One of the challenges here is that I am trying to get numbers on a per-shot basis, so I’d like to sum up all the task times for a given shot or scene that is submitted.

However, in the CSV file there is no unique identifier for a batch submission from a shot or scene. In Deadline itself there is the Batch Name column - but this doesn’t appear to be exported to CSV.

Is there a way to enable this, or another approach I should be looking at?


Laurence Cymet
CG Supervisor
Folks VFX

Just to be specific, which report are you running? I assume it’s “Completed Job Stats”. But it does seem that you’re right and Batch Name isn’t in the available columns.

It’s a bit of a hack, but you could create an Event Plugin to copy the batch name into one of the Extra Info fields on job submission.

Correct - completed job stats.

We’ll look into an event plugin, but that’s a bit excessive for data that’s already there and should be standardized I think. We would definitely love to see this improved in a future release. :slight_smile:

I’ve also tried parsing the text in the job name to pull out the batch name to separate column in a spreadsheet, but the available " - " delimiter seems to change depending on the plugin and it’s gets really hacky quick.

If anything else comes to mind we would love to know. Thank you for the quick response!


Oh don’t think I’m not going to make an issue to get that field added to the stats export. But that doesn’t get your stats working today.

Here’s a Monitor job script (from the right click menu on a job) and an Event Plugin that’ll both copy the job’s batch name into Extra Info 9. Either automatically (on job submission) or manually.

You’ll have to muck around with your statistics export, but at least the data will be there and you’ll be able to keep moving. I whipped this up quickly, and I think I covered most angles testing-wise but let me know if it misbehaves should you choose to use it.

PopulateExtraInfoWithBatch.zip (2.1 KB)

Amazing! Thanks so much Justin. I’ll give this a shot.