modifying error handling


if I modify to add extra error messg handling. Is it available on the farm right after the file is saved or do we have to reboot or relaunch something to take them in account.


If I’m not mistaken, it should be available right away.

Any new jobs that plugin will recognize the change right away. Jobs that are already rendering will not, since the slaves will already have the previous version of the plugin loaded. Once the slave loads a new job though, it will then load in the new plugin.


  • Ryan

I cannot achieve a requeue of my error job on this message

0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.5 warn : p_HairTK shader return NaN or infinite R value. Replaced with zero

I modified error handler in MayaCmd py

and added

elif( errorMessage.find( “p_HairTK shader return NaN or infinite” ) != -1 ):
ignoreError = False

What s going wrong ?


The reason why this isn’t getting caught is because the StdoutHandler that calls HandleErrorMessage looks like this:

# Error message handling.
self.AddStdoutHandler( ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*", self.HandleErrorMessage )

So only lines with “Error:” or “Warning:” in them will get processed, which isn’t the case for this line:

You will need to edit the StdoutHandler as well. For example:

# Error message handling.
self.AddStdoutHandler( ".*Error: .*|.*Warning: .*|.* warn : .*", self.HandleErrorMessage )

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

pretty sure it will help
i give a try
thx. You re the best


Thx very much