Modo 6 / Large scale beta testing

Hello guys

We are in the process of making a whole new pipe for a feature project,
as such we try to start with latest version of every software
Deadline 6 looks promising, but for large scale testing we would need
Maya implementation, seems ok, don’t know wich version will be used on the production though
Modo 601 SP3 implementation, is there a way to have a preversion of an updated script ? we could try it right now, even if bugful
Lots 'o quicktime generations <-- didn’t read everything yet but is it something implemented within deadline 6 ?
Nuke 7 should be in the process soon

concerning deployment of the software, the installer does not create shortcuts (in my configuration, maybe I’m doing something wrong) but I can handle that

we’re ready to test everything pre-production wide and report everything we find going wrong
don’t hesitate on bugging us on updates

We are really hoping to get beta 2 out tomorrow, but there is a chance that it might have to wait until early next week. This release will fix some key issues in the initial beta that were preventing some people from using it.

Maya and Nuke are already supported, and modo will be added in beta 2. It will be best to wait until beta 2 before testing modo support because we ended up fixing a bunch of script API bugs while adding support for modo. So the current modo plugin we have simply won’t work with beta 1.

Deadline had plugins to generate quicktimes, but those will be part of a post-beta 2 release. However, Draft is already supported, and can be used to generate quicktimes. That’s another can of worms though, so if you’re interested in Draft, you should email to get on the Draft beta board.

The shortcuts should be fixed in beta 2.


  • Ryan

Perfect then

as of now I fell back to 5.2 in order to have modo support,

we’ll deploy a total 136 rendering nodes as soon as the beta as minimal support for all we need

Beta 2 was just released today, and it should meet your current requirements.


  • Ryan

As first report

User creation automation is a bit weird : using deadlinecommand -setuser
produces blank users until they launch monitor at least once
removing users leaves blanks

we submitted a modo job using script in monitor, but although it shows up in the queue, nothing happens then …
pool settings, groups settings, everything I usually go and check whenever a job seems stuck looks ok, any clue on what to look at or feedback you would need ?
(tried to submit from modo, but the submit window disappear as soon as it has appeared)

minor bugs reported
some settings panel names are editable (meaning you can double-click an item in left view of any control panel such as repository options and edit the name of the setting you just double-clicked)
lacks the options to manage pools from the slave view but I suppose it will come next

Thanks for the report!

The blank user problem will be fixed in beta 3. The issue was that the user name wasn’t being set when stored in the database, which is why the users were blank. You can use mongo.exe to remove the blank entries. First, run mongo.exe (replace DBSERVER with the database machine’s host name or IP address):

mongo.exe DBSERVER

Then run these commands, pressing Enter after each line (replace DBNAME with the name of the database you specified in the repository installer, for example, “DeadlineDB”):

db.UserInfo.remove( { Name: "" } )

That should clear things up for now. I’ll refer to your other issues in a separate response.

For the modo problem, see here:

Others are having issues with their jobs not picking up, and we’re having trouble reproducing it. If we could get a dump of the job’s JSON, that would be helpful. The thread I linked to above explains how to do this. Eventually, we want to add an “Export Job” right-click option that will do this automatically. This will make debugging job problems much easier, because we can just import it on our end.

The job properties and repository options dialogs will have this fixed in beta 3.

This is all handled through the Manage Pools and Manage Groups options under the Tools menu while in super user mode. The slave right-click options won’t be coming back, as the Tools menu methods are much more flexible.


  • Ryan

For the modo job problem, make sure all machines (including machines you’re submitting from) are updated to beta 2. If jobs are still being submitted from beta 1, that would explain why the jobs don’t get picked up even though the slaves are running beta 2.

Concerning the pools/group management, I was really getting used to manage it from the slave view
well I suppose change is always good for going into the future

one thing is really missing though.
I’m making groups based on hardware, so I would need to be able to show RAM/CPU infos in the slave view portion of the group management

I would like to add a pair of mates to the beta forums do I have to go through sales to do that ?

As for the submitted modo job here is attached the JSON
JSON-WTD.txt (3.29 KB)

Thanks for that. Since a lot of people are running into this problem of jobs not getting picked up, we’ll keep all discussions related to it in this thread:

I’m sure other properties like OS would be helpful too. I’m sure we could add these.

Yup. You can email directly.


  • Ryan