We are looking into Deadline as a render management solution, but noticed it does not support modo 601 yet which is one of our main software packages. Any idea when support will be added?
We are looking into Deadline as a render management solution, but noticed it does not support modo 601 yet which is one of our main software packages. Any idea when support will be added?
Deadline 5.2 will support modo 601, and it should be released very soon (likely this week). If you want to start testing it today though, you can still join the beta:
Awesome. Thanks Ryan.
Hi Ryan,
Is modo 601 sp2 supported?
We’re getting this error, any ideas?
Command ‘!scene.open {\stockholm\VMG\RENDER_TESTS\Modo\Ball.lxo} normal’ failed with -2147483648. Check the meaning of this error code in the modo error codes message table, resource:msglxresult.cfg
Hmm, I would expect 601 sp2 to work fine. That error implies something went bad when opening the scene file. Are you able to open that scene file in modo normally on a slave that gives you this error? Maybe there is a problem with the scene file, or that scene is incompatible with 601 sp2.