It looks like my studio is going to be getting into the Modo 801 beta. But my first thought when I heard this was “how are we going to use it with Deadline?”. So I was wondering when exactly do you guys update the plugin for stuff like this?
It looks like my studio is going to be getting into the Modo 801 beta. But my first thought when I heard this was “how are we going to use it with Deadline?”. So I was wondering when exactly do you guys update the plugin for stuff like this?
Hey James,
We’re going to add support for modo 801 in Deadline 6.2.
In the meantime, you can modify the modo files in your repository to add support. Just unzip to \your\repository\plugins\modo and unzip to \your\repository\scripts\Submission.
Ryan (9.77 KB) (5.1 KB)
Awesome thanks!
I do have a quick question about the I already have this file heavily hacked and it gets hairy when trying to reconcile changes to it into my own file. So I’m curious if there are any specific changes to this file for 801 or does it contain the normal 6.1 updates? If so I’ll just wait until 6.1 is released to do my reconciliation.
The file I posted is essentially the 6.1 version of the submitter with the necessary updates to allow you to choose 8xx in the version drop down. When 6.1 ships, it will NOT have 8xx as an option, since we want to do some testing during the 6.2 beta before we “officially” support it.
OK, thanks. I’ll make the necessary adjustments.