I was encouraged to see what was new here in Deadline 8. It seems that the 7.x path mapping code for modo doesn’t handle reference scenes (failing to update the paths; presumably also failing to update paths in those reference scenes). I’ve glanced through the beta notes and saw mention of some changes to the path mapping code that was ported back to 7.x to avoid scene corruption.
I wondered whether Deadline 8 was going to tackle the path mapping code to support reference scenes and their contents
Sorry for the slow reply on this. I can for sure look at adding pathmapping referenced scenes, we can also look into handling the paths inside them. Do you have a simple test scene that uses referenced scenes or some instructions on how to set up a scene using references (I am not extremely familiar with that aspect of Modo).
You can easily create a reference scene setup. You just need an existing scene on disk. Use file/import reference to pull it in as a reference in your current modo scene. You will have a number of options for what should be pulled in. Referenced items have an overlay orange arrow in the lists.
I have been able to add the ability to path map referenced scenes and have attached an updated plugin. This updated plugin is not handling mapping any references within those scenes. This updated plugin will currently not map anything within the scene. I have marked it as an issue internally to look into making the our pathmapping work recursively through the referenced scenes.
Modo.zip (9.88 KB)
That’s amazing - thank you very much indeed. I’m away from my repository until the second week of April, but I’m itching to kick the tires on this. Would the image remapping in reference scenes be out-of-scope for deadline 8?