Modo601 Render Passes / File naming for render pass output


Our studio just updated to the new version of Deadline (5.2) and we’ve been trying to implement the new render passes feature that was part of the new submission form for Modo 601. Everything works great and we’ve been getting all the passes out that we set up. Does anyone know if there is a way to change the way that Deadline outputs the file name? What we get currently is “Render_Group”“Padding”“Render_Pass”… so as an example something like “Cube0001.Beauty_Pass.png” What would be ideal would be to have the frame padding at the end so that these files would sequence better in programs like After Effects, etc without having to perform some sort of batch renaming. I was thinking we could edit the actual python script for the modo submission form, but was hoping there was a simpler way that I may just be overlooking.


So we definitely do not have anything exposed to tweak this, as far as I can tell.

I’ve taken a look at our Submission Script and Plugin script, and am actually not even sure that you would be able to modify that stuff to get the output looking right. We seem to only pass in the padded file prefix along with the Pass Group, and Modo figures out the rest. If anything, it would have to be configurable within the Modo scene file itself, or else you might be out of luck.

I will definitely ask our lead Dev when he’s back in the office on Monday to be sure, though, since he’s the one that wrote all that stuff; there might be some sort of command line option that Modo has but we’re not currently using.


  • Jon

Hey Scott,

The output file name format is controlled by a modo scene setting. Under the “Render Properties”, there is a “Output Pattern” setting you can use to control the way the output is saved out (see attached screenshot).

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

Thanks so much for the replies, Ryan and Jon! So it turns out that our issue was that is was a lack of understanding on the implementation on our part. Surprise surprise, right?

Previously, when using Modo501 we would submit jobs using the (optional) Output Folder, Output File Prefix, and Output format at the bottom of the Modo submission form. This saved us a lot of time by not having to save pathing information directly in the file and allowed us to have a single person (or persons depending on the job) work as a render manager/wrangler to control the submitted jobs for consistency in our pipeline at the submitting stage. It’s a great feature that we’ve used a lot! So that’s where our understanding came in… we were still using the output from Deadline to control the passes rather than setting up the extra colors outputs with pathing info in the modo scene file. When using Multi-File PNG Layers as an Output format we got all the passes I mentioned earlier in this thread so it still seemed like this was something that would still work in the paradigm that we had used it before.

Anyways, it’s a happy day at the studio to have this working. The info is much appreciated.
