mongo DB installation problem

im having trouble with the mongoDB while trying to reinstall the repository

what ip should i type in when trying to reconnect, the ip of the license server - doesnt work- says the server might be incorrectly configured or offline , and i also cant create a new mongoDB

how do i remove the DB to create a new one?

Which OS are you installing on? Also, which beta version are you using?

It sounds like MongoDB simply isn’t running. Generally, you would use the hostname or IP address that your other machines will use to connect to the database.


  • Ryan

windows 7 64bit

latest beta installed (uninstalled old files and deleted deadline.ini)


Thanks! Can you open up the Windows Services and see if there is a service called MongoDB? If there is, check if it’s running, and then try starting if it’s not.

If it fails to start, it could be that you need to repair the database. You can do this from a command prompt by running the following:

c:\mongo\application\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath c:\mongo\data --repair

After that, try starting the service again.


  • Ryan


nothing working for me,

cannot install deadline 6 repository anymore because of mongoDB :smiley:

at this point i just want to remove the mongoDB and start from scratch- which i dont know how to do

the service is listed in task manager, but not as started, trying to start it brings up error,

i also removed the mongoDB directory from c: completely
and restarted
but that is also not helping

any help?

tried downloading the latest version but not working either

Did you try doing the repair operation before deleting the database files? If not, it’s no big deal, but I’m curious if you did and had problems with that.

I think all you have to do at this point is manually remove the MongoDB service. Here is a walkthrough of removing a service from Windows: … sta-or-xp/

Just remove the MongoDB service. After that, you should be able to reinstall mongodb with the repository installer.


  • Ryan


great thanks

i could not find this only linux help