Mongodb error in new installation of deadline

We are installing deadline to a new hardware server and the latest version of deadline. Reason to move to a new server is better hardware and to use the latest version of deadline which works without any license issue.

In testing a new installation of deadline on a new server ( better hardware ), getting the above error.

In deadline monitor, we are able to view all records from the old installation. But when submitting a job from deadline why does this error occur. How to work around it ?

Given you’re not able to create jobs could you either call us at 1-866-419-0283 ext 2 from 9am to 5pm Central Standard Time or cut a ticket at The forums aren’t great for this sort of urgent failure.

If this isn’t urgent I’d have to see the Monitor logs. Is it just submissions that fail? Are there errors or warnings at the bottom of the screen? If the Monitor can hit the database to read job information I’d expect the submissions to also succeed.

The logs will be on the machine in one of these locations:
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs
Linux: /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline10
Mac OS X: /Library/Logs/Thinkbox/Deadline10