MongoDB HA/High Performance configuration

I was a bit surprised to see this note in beta v11.
I thought this was the intention to allow HA/High Performance configurations and across different networks/locations?

“Note that this is not intended to support MongoDB features like sharding or replica sets”


Hey Mike,

We’ve discovered that this type of Mongo setup can’t work with Deadline. Sharding won’t work because we need to use server-side functions (which sharding doesn’t support). You can still configure Mongo to backup the database using replica sets, but you can’t spread those replica sets between different locations and have different slaves pointing to different servers. The reason is that the replica sets won’t ever be completely in sync (it uses the “eventual consistency” model).

With that being said, we don’t feel this hurts Deadline from a performance point of view. At Siggraph, we had our mongo server running on the smallest amazon instance we could rent in the cloud, and our download speed at the booth was quite slow. However, it still felt like we were connecting to a local server. So if companies want a “global” Deadline system, they should be fine hosting it on a single server when it comes to performance.

You can still set up replica sets for backup and auto-failover though, but that’s all handled from the Mongo side of things. Our note is to make it clear that you shouldn’t put your replica sets into the list of mongo hosts in the Deadline connection settings.


  • Ryan