AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Monitor - Check Completed Jobs on Slave


in Deadline 5 it was possible to check all job logs of a specific slave. Deadline 6 only shows error reports of a slave. I would love to check if a slave successfully completed jobs with a certain plugin. Am I doing something wrong?



Hi Sebastian,

We just checked v5, and you could only view the error reports for the slave as well. I’m pretty sure we’ve never stored the log reports with the slaves.


OK. Is there any way to see a list of completed jobs of a specific slave? I don’t need the log, only the jobname and plugin. It is kind of essential to me right now because we are having serious issues with one of our custom plugins but in order to find the real problem I need to know if a slave ever rendered a job successfully with this specific plugin.



You can see which slave completed the tasks in the Task List. So if you know which tasks for a job produced bad output, you can see which slave rendered it.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to get this information from the slave itself.

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