AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Monitor Client Status Color Issue

Not sure if this is a bug or if there is something else going on, but ever since RC1 my clients in the list are the same color idle as they are rendering, I’m pretty sure before that the rendering clients would turn green or a different color to differentiate the machines. Gets very confusing at a cursory glance as to what machines are doing what.

Attached is a screenshot for reference.

Which version are you currently on now? We were only aware of this issue happening in RC3.


Just did the update to RC2 today to see if that fixed this issue, which it did not.

It sounds like this issue:

We believe we’ve fixed this internally for RC4. Can you confirm whether or not the Last Status Update field updates at all?


I ran a quick test and the “Last Status Update” fields do update for each of the rendering clients, after looking at the screenshot of Monitor within the posted thread even my idle machines are the wrong color… everything just shows up orange/brown instead of white for idle, green for rendering. Tried resetting colors within the options dialog but nothing changed.

Ah, that means your license is about to expire (you can check the License column in the slave list to see how many days are left). Shoot an email to beta[at]thinkboxsoftware[dot]com so they can extend your beta license.


Ah! Haha, didn’t even think of that! Thanks, I’ll get in touch with them.

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