Monitor : Custom Viewer: invalid exe path

In the “monitorOptions.xml” file, if an invalid custom viewer exe is declared in one of the “Additional Options”, “CustomViewerExecutableX” XML entries, then Deadline Monitor will not start up again and possibly crashes…, until this entry is removed. Typically, this happens if you configure the “monitorOptions.xml” on 1 machine and then disctribute throughtout your studio pipeline. If that particular machine doesn’t have that viewer software installed, then Deadline Monitor is rendered useless as it won’t even start up!

Instead, can we just put a check in place and flag it (msg box?), as the monitor starts up or just remove the entry as Monitor starts up, if that situation ever occurs? (I still want the ability to configure the *.xml files centrally and distribute)


For reference:

</AdditionalOptions> <PreferredViewer>CustomViewer1</PreferredViewer> <CustomViewerExecutable1>C:\Program Files\djv\bin\djv_view.exe</CustomViewerExecutable1>

Hey Mike,

I can’t seem to reproduce it on our end… It may have been something that has been fixed in the latest version.

Could you post your log for an instance where this happened? Would be nice to see if the monitor is in fact crashing or if something else is happening…


Sorry, I forgot to add, that you must select that invalid exe path as the custom viewer X active and not leave it as the “default viewer” selection in the monitor options.
Then it will crash. Does this setup cause any problems at your end? If not, I’ll post a complete log shortly…

Still doesn’t crash on our end with the preferred viewer set. We’ll have to take a look at the log and see if we find anything.

Sorry Cody, I was testing on a slightly older machine/software version (I’m remote to the office at the moment).
Yes, upon monitor boot up, a warning message appears indicating that there is a problem on that particular line of the XML file.
It then resets the entire XML file to its factory defaults which of course, fixes the invalid path. So all is working ok. The latest released version is working fine.
However, it would be nicer/smarter, if it could just skip the particular XML entry it is having an issue with, flag it, and then load the rest of the settings as per usual?
Thanks for your help,

I definitely agree. It should just be resetting the XML entry that it has an issue with rather than resetting the entire file. This is something we’ll look into doing. Glad you got it sorted out! :smiley:
