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Monitor dependencies

so the drag and drop option not works any more.
also, after assigning the job to be dependent on in the monitor, i need to resubmit the job in the monitor i order for changes to take effect.

I just tested this with RC5 and it appears to be working fine (I tested both the Append and the Overwrite options). Which beta version are you currently running?

Also, Drag & Drop can be disabled in the Monitor Options (Tools -> Options), so maybe double check the Job List setting here to see if it is enabled.

When you assign dependencies to a job, the job isn’t automatically placed in the pending state. It needs to be suspended and then resumed for it to enter the pending state. This is currently be design, but I’m wondering if we need to add an option to mark a job as pending so that it’s not a 2 step process.

well the option for drag and drop is active. i’m using RC5
yes, i think that it will be more efficient if it can be done in one step

How are you confirming that drag and drop dependencies aren’t working? Here’s what I’m doing:

  1. Select job A
  2. Drag job A on top of Job B
  3. Click the Overwrite button
  4. Double-click on Job A to view it’s properties and select Dependencies
  5. Job B is the job in the dependency list

We’re working on adding a “Mark Job As Pending” right-click option. This will be the way to put a job with dependencies or scheduling settings into the pending state.

We will also be changing how the Resume option works when a job is suspended or failed. These will put the job into the queued state, regardless of whether or not it has dependencies. However, jobs in a suspended or failed state will also have the Mark Job As Pending option. This should help avoid any confusion over which option to use to get a job into a particular state.


  • Ryan

i don’t have an overwrite question… just an black circle with crossed line icon, (operation not available)

Strange… can you send a screen shot of this? Also, can you send us the Monitor log? You can get it from selecting Help -> Explore Log Folder in the Monitor.

iv’e attached the logs, but i can’t send screenshot because it doesn’t capture the ,mouse icon…
deadlinemonitor-SB-PRE-OMERE-2013-05-27-0001.log (155 Bytes)
deadlinemonitor-SB-PRE-OMERE-2013-05-27-0002.log (155 Bytes)
deadlinelauncher-SB-PRE-OMERE-2013-05-27-0000.log (1.29 KB)

Ah, sorry, I didn’t realize you were referring to the mouse icon there.

Unfortunately, the logs don’t show any error messages, and I’m still having no luck reproducing this. Maybe try this to see if it helps:

  1. In the Monitor Options, disable Drag & Drop dependencies.
  2. Restart the Monitor.
  3. In the Monitor Options, enable Drag & Drop dependencies.
  4. Restart the Monitor again.

I’m wondering if maybe the setting is being stuck to disabled somehow. If that’s the case, this process should “unstick” it.

so what solved th problem in the end is uninstalling deadline, deleting all thinkbox folders under USERS (in windows) and in programfiles. then re installing it.

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