Hi folks, newcomer to Deadline here -migrated happily from RenderPal. So far very happy.
Quick question: Is it possible to duplicate a job and subsequently edit the input file in the Monitor GUI ?
Due to Vray standalone submisssion with commandline entries, adding hundreds of jobs manually is proving a task. Duplicating an existing job and just changing the input file path would be ideal. I must be missing something?
Sure. Can you right-click on the job and click “Resubmit Job…”, enable “Suspend Job on Submission”, so you can edit some of the settings (double-click the job to modify it’s properties under the “Vray settings” section), before then right-clicking it when your done and resuming the job.
Would that work for you?
If you have many hundreds of jobs, we could maybe enhance our VRay Submission UI in Monitor? We would need to understand what you need? Could you select multiple *.vrscene files in our VRay submitter in Monitor and click submit, to batch submit them? (and we just need to expose something extra to help with whatever settings you need to tweak)? Note sure. I need more details. Maybe this whole thing could be automated either your side or through our event plugins?
Hi Mike, and thank you for the prompt response!
Right clicking and resubmitting jobs is fine for ducplicating (I learnt quickly to suspend them on re-submission . However, there seems to be no way to change the inputFile when editing the job after submission (!). the InputFileName is visible in the Submission Params section of the Job Properties, but non-editable.
The jobs have been submitted via the [submit/Vray/VRay Submission] native menu.
Selecting multiple *vrscene files would be superb (frankly, the only thing I’m missing from RenderPal. currently it only accepts a single vrscene at a time.
As for custom commandline attributes: it would be lovely to see these Vray commandline options exposed:
-region="none" (vital to get around scaling bug/issue)
-------- RT/GPU -----------------
-rtEngine= (Now so many of us are migrating to GPU , it's going to be more pertinant )
they can all added manually of course (as I do now) but we all know how unforgiving typos can be
Again, thank you very much for the rapid response. Already incredibly happy with the choice to go with Deadline.
No worries! That all seems reasonable enough. I’ll log it for investigation.
Currently our monitor submitter will identify a sequence of *.vrscene files, if they are named consistently, in the case of 1 x vrscene file per frame. I’m assuming you never use this functionality or might also need that in the future as well as the ability to batch submit “individual” vrscene files into Deadline?
Exposing all those CLI flags should be relatively easy enough to do.
Well that’s all superb news. Thank you very much
As for the sequential vrscene loading - I could see that being useful when generating individual frame vrscenes for animation (I’ve used this for certain animations in the past). In our case we do a lot of catalogue product and advertising stills. The scene files therefore are all named according to the products and unique identifiers. In this case, selecting multiple vrscenes from the requester would be perfect
Sorry just an additional note: While group selecting vrscenes and also exposing CLI flags are an unexpected treat - being able to alter the inputFileName of a resubmitted job would be the most useful utility by far at this point.
ok, cool. Editing the input file once re-submitted via our Monitor UI is easy to fix now. See attached updated *.options file. Unzip and copy and overwrite the same named file here in your repo:
Double-click the job in Monitor and now “InputFilename” field is editable via our UI. If your job contains any KEY=VALUE pairs, then you can in theory expose them via our UI *.options file. Here’s the dev docs on how you do that and the syntax:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … tions-file
The syntax rules are the same as for *.param files:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … param-file
Vray.options.zip (570 Bytes)
Good god, that’s outstanding support. And happy to report it works instantly. Thank you so much.
It’s at this point I confess we were on the trial period. You’ve sold it now without question. Greenlighting a purchase order directly.