Monitor: output path list gets in the way

If there are too many output paths added to a job, the popup menus for copying/browsing/opening will actually obscure their parent menus, making it impossible to select other options.
I would like to request 2 changes to the menus:

  1. Make them scrollable, rather than multi-column, when the list of output paths cannot fit on the screen
  2. Truncate the output paths to a reasonable length, from the front (so as much of the end as possible is preserved).


In Deadline 7, we are capping the menu item count at 50 output paths (Qt doesn’t support scrollable menus out of the box).

We can also add a wishlist item to truncate the length to a certain number of characters.


You can set the “menu-scrollable” stylesheet property on the QMenu class to make them all scrollable.

menu.setStyleSheet("QMenu { menu-scrollable: 1; }")

I would consider this preferable to truncating the list of output paths.

Now how the heck did that not come up in any of our searches!?

Thanks for sharing this!


Heh… I don’t remember where I picked it up originally, but I’ve definitely used it myself.

Works like a charm! We’ll do this in v7 and remove the cap of 50.

Thanks again!