Monitor - Sort "Render Order"

I got asked the following question today and I didn’t have a good answer as to why its not implemented!
For the purposes of this example, lets assume our order of execution in our render queue is: “Pool_Priority_Date”. So we can sort by each of these “categories” and we can also view what “groups” are assigned to which jobs; what their white/black listing is, if any is applied. We can also view bad slave listings, BUT what we can’t do right now, is simply see the overall order of execution of the queue taking into account ALL variables as currently assigned to the current queue. I call this “Render Order”.
So, I struggled to answer why something like this doesn’t already exist?! I was thinking as it would effectively be a custom sort on the monitor list view and cached by Pulse, it would execute quickly for the user?

If a studio creates a complicated Deadline setup, which is possible due to Deadline’s flexibility, I believe the setup will then struggle to answer one of those most basic questions, “Please show me the overall order of execution, right now of my render farm queue, based on all settings, as it stands now?”


Ditto this. I was wondering this same thing.

Hey guys,

The tricky thing is that there is no sense of an overall render order in Deadline. All the slaves have their own order based on their pools and groups, as well as how a job’s machine limit and/or limit groups are configured. A job might be top priority for 5 slaves, but at low priority for 5 others. In order to figure out a global render order, every slave’s own order would have to be combined somehow, and job render time estimation would be needed to guesstimate the order in which the jobs will be rendered. We’ve talked about running Monte Carlo simulations against the farm to figure this out and provide a best guess estimate, but it’s not something on our immediate roadmap.


  • Ryan