AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Monitor unable to sort by Status

I can no longer sort by Status properly - see attached image for example of seemingly randomized Status.
Ascending or Descending is the same kind of mixed-up list.

Deadline Version: R (a009fe449)
FranticX Version: R (8bfe5321c)

Mac Monitor client.

If you click on the down arrow menu button in the job list’s toolbar, is Auto-Sorting and Filtering enabled or disabled? If it’s disabled, the sort order won’t automatically update when the state changes, which could explain the behavior you’re seeing.


It seems to have the same behaviour in either mode - I have attached a screencap video to show you what I mean.
Let me know if I am missing something?
Status_Sorting_Possible_Bug.swf (1.52 MB)

Ah, I can reproduce! Sorry, I was thinking this was for the job list, not the slave list. We’ve logged it a a bug.


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