AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Monitor Update after sending job

Hi all.

Little ask here, nothing critical.

I’ve got my monitor sorted by submit date to have my recent job on top.
But when i send a new job, it goes to the bottom, i have to re-sort my monitor.
I have, few times, thought that my send didn’t worked… pretty annoying.

Thanks !

In the job panel, click the Down arrow button and check to see if Auto-Sorting and Filtering is disabled. If it is, enabling it should fix this issue for you.


I would like to add a vote for this as well, when auto sorting is disabled (to have new jobs appear at the top)

I turn off auto sorting routinely to have a workable speed in the monitor while doing some operations. And new jobs being added to the bottom makes this sometimes dangerous - like, when clearing out thousands of jobs, and all of a sudden new jobs pop into your selection under the mouse.

That would likely have a performance impact as well, since you’re doing an insert which requires a shift down of everything. Also, couldn’t this be just as dangerous in your example if you’re selecting from the bottom up?

Not in our case, as we usually just delete the bottom 50% or so of complete jobs (4-5+ days old). So that still leaves several days & thousands of jobs between the ‘fresh’ and the ‘being deleted’

Also, with 10k+ jobs in the queue minimum, the fact new jobs appear at the very bottom make autosorting almost mandatory. As you would keep having to scroll back and forth to find your jobs.

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