Monitored managed process has exited or been terminated

First, I’m having same old problem with Acces is denied with 3.1 Deadline, same as with 3.0 SP1. Only fix remains is to run deadlineslaves from command prompt. Any way around that?

And another even worse thing is that rendering stops all the time with mesage:
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.

No idea how to work around that one?
Any help guys please?

Just to confirm, are you using Vista? This problem seems to affect a very small number of Vista users, and we have yet to track down why this occurs because we can’t reproduce it on our Vista machines. I’m guessing it’s due to a Vista security setting or a combination of them, so if you can send us any information about your setup, we can try tweaking settings on our test machines to see if we can recreate the problem.

This is often an indication that Max has crashed. Whenever this happens, we try to pull information from the Max.log file and include it with the error message. If you could send us the full error report, that might help put the error into better context.

Also, does this problem happen with every scene you try to render, or is it one or two in particular? Also, do you find this problem occurs on every machine, or just one or two? If it’s isolated to a few machines, it could be a max install issue that is causing the problem.


  • Ryan

Yes it is Vista x64. It happens on some of themachines, and sometmies works fine after restart. Anyway using command prompt is much faster and easier than trying to get the problem.

And for proces terminated error, it happens pretty much randomly, for example one chunk of frames is rendered ok, then another crashes. Then again same machine renders another chunk, no problem at all and other comp got that error.
Here is error Report from one comp:

Error Message
Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.
2009/05/06 15:10:11 INF: Loaded C:/Users/mirko_j/AppData/Local/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Zeko_IntroScena01_Render02.max
2009/05/06 15:10:13 INF: Job: C:/Users/mirko_j/AppData/Local/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Zeko_IntroScena01_Render02.max
2009/05/06 15:33:09 ERR: An unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating.
) (Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin+FailRenderException) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Slave Log
0: INFO: Preparing direct light manager…
0: INFO: Preparing global light manager…
0: INFO: Building light cache…
0: INFO: Building light cache… [00:00:00.5] [00:00:12.9 est]
0: INFO: Building light cache… [00:00:01.1] [00:00:01.6 est]
0: INFO: Building light cache… [00:00:01.5] [00:00:01.5 est]
0: INFO: Building light cache…: done [00:00:01.6]
0: INFO: Merging light cache passes…
0: INFO: Merging light cache passes…: done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Prefiltering light cache…
0: INFO: Prefiltering light cache…: done [00:00:00.0]
0: INFO: Prepass 1 of 4…
0: INFO: Prepass 1 of 4…: done [00:00:00.2]
0: INFO: Prepass 2 of 4…
0: INFO: Prepass 2 of 4…: done [00:00:00.4]
0: INFO: Prepass 3 of 4…
0: INFO: Prepass 3 of 4… [00:00:00.5] [00:00:00.6 est]
0: INFO: Prepass 3 of 4…: done [00:00:00.8]
0: INFO: Prepass 4 of 4…
0: INFO: Prepass 4 of 4… [00:00:00.5] [00:00:01.2 est]
0: INFO: Prepass 4 of 4… [00:00:01.0] [00:00:01.6 est]
0: INFO: Prepass 4 of 4… [00:00:01.5] [00:00:01.8 est]
0: INFO: Prepass 4 of 4…: done [00:00:01.8]
0: WARNING: Monitored managed process 3dsmaxProcess is no longer running
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Monitored managed process “3dsmaxProcess” has exited or been terminated.
2009/05/06 15:10:11 INF: Loaded C:/Users/mirko_j/AppData/Local/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Zeko_IntroScena01_Render02.max

2009/05/06 15:10:13 INF: Job: C:/Users/mirko_j/AppData/Local/Frantic Films/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Zeko_IntroScena01_Render02.max

2009/05/06 15:33:09 ERR: An unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating.

) (Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin+FailRenderException) (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)

at Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin.RenderTasks(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage)

Error Type

Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()

Any idea?
I’m reinstaling max on one comp now, hope that will help but not sure.

This is from the Max.log:

So the crash is occurring within max, and Deadline is just passing the message along. What we usually suggest in cases like this is to try stripping things from the scene until the problem goes away. That should at least help you narrow down the thing(s) in the scene that are causing the problem.


  • Ryan

That is idea I;ev got too and just done it, striping scene and testing. And I’ve found that using Elements, in Render Elements menu is causing problems… turning them off works fine and no problems at all.
Now the problem is that those elements are used for passes, shadows, specular, reflection…
Using Vray elements.
Could that be problem with VRAY or something?

Can you send us a very simple test scene that reproduces the problem? If we can reproduce it here, that might help us figure out what is causing this.


  • Ryan