More email warning

Hi again,

I would like to do another suggestion, I already mentioned that I would like the failed jobs email to be sent to the admin, I still want that but I would also like a new email message.

The time limit feature is great, but we use it lessa and less because of all the new fancy effects (Global Illumination, reflection blur, etc) makes it almost impossible to predict the time a frame will take to render.

So If the time Limit feature could be used as it is now (i.e killing the render if the time limit is reached), plus have an option to use the time limit only for warning! So if the time limit is reached, a warning is sent to the user and the admin (with an option to turn it off in the repository options) and the frame kept on rendering.

This way I will be able to monitor renders more easily, I will be able to talk to the artist and know why it is taking so long to render… instead of killing a frame that would take 8h10min after 8 hours.


P.S. Thanks for the idea of creating a South PArk Avatar for myself… it started a new trend here at Alpha Vision :slight_smile:

Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision

That sounds like a good idea, and should be trivial to implement. Thanks!

BTW, I like the new avatar! :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Nice… I like trivial stuff!

Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision