MotionDepthBlure Alpha Problem


Alpha Problem. There are some noise.

ReelsmartMotionBlur Vectors is very fine. But I have to separate vector channel.
Awake has some noise. Very close!
eyeon has no noise, but more blured image. I can’t use it.
Krokodove has more alpha noise, and become dark alpha.

I send some files.

Thank you.
Hideki (48.8 KB)

The pixels that are showing up have a velocity of 0 defined for them, so the drawing is correct. I may need to add some filtering to handle this case. Which renderer was used for this?

finalRender for 3dsmax.

I attached another file. mentalray is a result that is better than finalrender.
But it is not perfect.

Thank you.
Hideki (41.9 KB)

So the issue with the mental ray image is that when two object pass over each other you get incomplete data, so small holes form in the alpha. Reel smart has a trick to deal with this that produce some odd artifacts (I can see a diagonal line near the bottom right in the area between the two boxes). I’ve decided not to use this method and instead use the alpha patching. It basically multiplies the alpha by 1 + the value in the alpha patcher slider. If you increase the value to 0.04 for your mental ray image it makes it nice and smooth.

when I move Alpha Patcher slider, there is no change at all.

How about finalrender? renderer’s Bug?
I hope to get good result with finalrender.

I have fixed a couple of the problems, but it is still not quite perfect. Let me know what you think of the changes.

Just copy this file into C:\Program Files\Frantic Software\Awake\Plugins (32-bit windows) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Frantic Software\Awake\Plugins(64-bit windows).

For the long streak image, you can use the mirror option for edges. I’m still working on a more general solution, since duplicate has worked in most cases but clearly has issues. (610 KB)

Thank you for your great work!

Alpha Patcher work fine. Edges Mirror Option work fine.

And duplicate has work fine in this case. (Does “duplicate” mean the place where object came in succession?)
But in other cases I must increase the Alpha Patcher value to 0.5. High value is not good for blured area.

In the following edition, Make a 64bit version please!

Thank you.

Here is the 64 bit version.

Brian! (428 KB)

The duplicate edge handling basically repeats pixels that are on the border of the image so there is some content outside the viewable area of the image. There is a significant problem with objects outside the frame coming into view, and this is the most practically way that I have found to deal with it.