multichannel tag on exrs

Is there a way to not have deadline add the (multichannel) label to the end of multichannel exr filenames? If I goto load a sequence directly into pdplayer I get a message saying it can’t find mytest.exr (multichannel)

This also pops up when trying to use the djv plugin…

What application are you rendering out of (Max, Maya, etc)? I can’t think of a case where Deadline would be explicitly adding that to the end of output file names.


It doesn’t show up in the actual file name… just in Deadline if you click on the Task it shows “myFrame.0005.exr (multichannel)” and then uses that as the name if you try and double click to auto open a viewer…

Same happens when using a JobScript such as Draft or DJV… .the input file is listed as “myFrame.####.exr (multichannel)”

I checked our Maya submitter, and we aren’t appending this anywhere. That means the query we are using to get the file name is appending it. Can you send us a sample maya scene that reproduces the problem so we can try to reproduce it here?


  • Ryan

Thanks for looking into this…

Here’s a file that does it. Something that I noticed when creating this file is that the filetype in maya is called “exr (multichannel)” and that in the name example line they show below the common tab it actually says “File Name: untitled/untitled…exr (multichannel)”

In the File Name Prefix we set: /. (extra . at end to correct for vray dropping this from multichannel exrs)

This will create a rendered frame called: myImage.####.exr
However deadline thinks it is: myImage…####.exr (multichannel)

Definitely seems to be an issue with vray injecting it into the filename even though it doesn’t get rendered this way.
multi_test.rar (8.33 KB)

Thanks for the scene! We were able to reproduce, and we believe we have a fix internally. It will be part of the Deadline 5.2 release.

If you want to zip up and post your maya submitter, we can make the change for you and post the updated version. You can find the script in \your\repository\submission\Maya and it’s called SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel.


  • Ryan

Is there any info about the release date of 5.2? We need this fix urgently and if we could have the updated submitter that’d be wonderful :slight_smile:


We’re going to try and get the 5.2 beta started next week.

If you want to zip up and post your maya submitter, we can make the change for you and post the updated version. You can find the script in \your\repository\submission\Maya and it’s called SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel.

Here is our submission script

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

Here’s the updated file. Just back up the original just in case. Note that you’ll have to restart Maya so that it can load the new script.

Let us know if you have any problems with it.
