Multiple Maya batch exists and they consume memory

After canceling a job or restarting worker through monitor, multiple mayabatch.exe can be
seen in task manager, they consume more memory and halt next job rendering
can anybody help with this problem ?

I think there was an issue with the code, I got sent a fix for this but haven’t fully tested it (and didn’t see it noted in the latest release notes)

Around line 1394 in this file

    def EndJob( self ):
        self.LogInfo( "Ending Maya Job" )
        self.FlushMonitoredManagedProcessStdoutNoHandling( self.ProcessName )
        self.LogInfo( "Waiting for Maya to shut down" )
        self.ShutdownMonitoredManagedProcess( self.ProcessName )
        self.LogInfo( "Maya has shut down" )

There was an additional line added that kills the process that gets left behind
self.WriteStdinToMonitoredManagedProcess(self.ProcessName, “quit -a;”)

    def EndJob( self ):
        self.LogInfo( "Ending Maya Job" )
        self.WriteStdinToMonitoredManagedProcess(self.ProcessName, "quit -a;")
        self.FlushMonitoredManagedProcessStdoutNoHandling( self.ProcessName )
        self.LogInfo( "Waiting for Maya to shut down" )
        self.ShutdownMonitoredManagedProcess( self.ProcessName )
        self.LogInfo( "Maya has shut down" )

Either that or don’t use the Batch option in submission