Must Restart to Grab License

I can’t seem to activate a license like I normally could with say frost. If I have max started and create a Stoke object, accept through the license setup dialog (without a license or the license server running), I get the failure to acquire valid license as expected.

Then I start the license tools, verify I have a valid license, reselect the Stoke Object in the VP and switch to modify panel, the configure license button is still blacked out.

In fact I just restarted max, now with the license server running and the Config License is still blacked out. So I guess I just typed all that for something that isn’t hooked up yet :slight_smile:

Actually that button is a place holder :slight_smile:
If it says LICENSED in the Help rollout, then it is licensed.
Your best bet is to use the License picker of Frost and once the license is set for one Thinkbox product, it should be ok for all…

okay, I am using your update UI file I wasn’t sure if it was just something that got jumped over :slight_smile: